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Monophysitism survived and developed into the Miaphysitism of the Oriental Orthodoxy. Celestine bring into being that the title Theotokos [9] was orthodox, and authorized Cyril to ask Nestorius to recant. But the administration of Antioch remained in crisis ahead untilwhen Constance asked the Armenian Empire of Cilicia to help maintain her rule, as a result the citizens of Antioch exiled her and installed her son Bohemond III and at once brother-in-law to the emperor, as regent.

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The northern edge of Antakya has been growing rapidly over recent years, after that this construction has begun to depiction large portions of the ancient capital, which are frequently bulldozed and hardly ever protected by the local museum. The mosaics are now displayed in the Hatay Archaeology Museum in Antakya. Inthe Persian Church declared itself independent of the Byzantine Church and all erstwhile churches, in order to ward bad allegations of foreign allegiance. Immediately afterwards assuming control, Raymond was involved all the rage conflicts with the Byzantine Emperor John II Comnenus who had come south to recover Cilicia from Leo of Armeniaand to reassert his rights above Antioch. The infighting led to a schism, which lasted from until aroundwhen the issues were resolved. In the Metropolitan of Nisibis, Barsaumapublicly accepted Nestorius' mentor, Theodore of Mopsuestiaas a devout authority.


Undetesreves:    28.01.2019 : 12:54

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